Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Social Marketing by Moses Isaac

About the concept of social marketing, Kotler, known as the father of modern marketing says, "The social marketing concept holds that the organisation's task is to determine the needs and wants and interests of target markets and to deliver the desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than competitors in a way that preserves or enhances the consumer's and society's well being".

The social or societal marketing is thus related to the determination of social needs and wants vis - a - vis subserving their interests which is possible when marketers make possible a fair blending of social and commercial considerations in tune with the holistic concept of management.

It is important here to mention that the concept of social marketing calls upon marketers to balance three considerations in formulating the marketing policies viz, company profits, customer satisfaction and public interest. Traditionally, the companies concentrated on profit computation, then they recognise the long - run importance of satisfying consumer which paved avenues for the marketing concept of late, they are planning for social interests. The social marketing calls for balancing all three considerations.

The perception of social or societal marketing thus in plain words focusses on application of marketing principles keeping in view the public or social interests. Either we market products of goods manufacturing industries or the services product of service generating industries, the social marketing is found relevant. The main philosophy behind the theory is to protect the social interests. Our marketing decisions directly or indirectly are next not to misguide deceive the ultimate consumers as well as the society. An organisation, ofcourse, has the right to product but the products either in short run or in the long run should not be instrumental in polluting the environment and paving ways for socio-cultural confrontation which engineers a foundation for developing emotionally - conflicted and behaviourly - disturbed society.

Since the perception of the society includes in its perview all the living beings, it is very natural that while formulating policies, we also focus our attention on protecting and preserving the interests of domestic and wild animals, birds and other living beings. The marketers have to be careful that their decisions directly or indirectly are not question the existence and well - being of living being in general.

Moses Isaac

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